Capital Projects / Condition Assessment / Assessment Manager
Sustainability & Risk / Sustainability Assessment / Assessment Manager

Addressing Assessment Deficiencies with Service Requests

In the assessment process, deficiencies are often found that need to be corrected. Deficiencies may include items that do not meet safety codes and fire codes, equipment in poor condition, and areas needing repair.

License for the Corrective Maintenance Application

If you have a license for the Corrective Maintenance application, you can create a to address the deficiency. You can then use the Corrective Maintenance application to manage the work request throughout the work cycle.

If you do not have a Corrective Maintenance license, you can manage your deficiencies by tracking the status of assessment items. See Addressing Assessment Deficiencies.

In order to use this feature, a user or its role must also have the Service Desk/Client process assigned.


Before generating maintenance service requests for assessment items, you typically will review the Scoreboard report and other reports to see the most urgent items. These reports are located Operational Reports and Management Reports processes. Take note of the items that you wish to address, and then follow this procedure:

  1. Open the Manage Assessment Items task, and select the assessment project for whose assessment items you wish to generate maintenance service requests.
  2. Select the Show button to see all assessment items for this project.
  1. For the items requiring attention, complete the Status field to show how you want to address this item. In order to generate a service request for an assessment item, the status of the assessment item must be either Scheduled or In Progress.
  1. Choose the Create Service Request for Deficiency button, located next to the Edit button.

    screen shot showing the Create Service Request for Deficiency button next to the Edit button
  1. The system generates a service request for the assessment item by doing the following:
  1. You will now manage the work for resolving this assessment item using the Corrective Maintenance application.
  2. At any time in the process, you can run the service request-related reports of the assessment applications:
  1. When you have finished the work and set the service request status to Completed, the system automatically applies the service request status to the originating assessment item. 
  2. Inspect the completed work, and run the Manage Assessment Items task to set the assessment item's Status to "Completed and Verified."